
Tag Archives: Post-Apartheid

Shadow Fires.

Wamuwi Mbao reviews this poetry collection, which spans the post-Apartheid period 1996-2013.

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Accounting for us

Imraan Coovadia’s fifth novel, Tales of the Metric System, confirms his status as a leading South African writer, showing that he can traverse topographies of class, race and gender in a way few other local writers can, writes Leon de Kock.

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The time of the twisted guts

What happens to an ethics of seeing in a globally mediated world? This is one of the questions raised in Nedine Moonsamy’s review of Ishtiyak Shukri’s ‘I see you’.

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Of home, and October

Zoë Wicomb’s ‘October’ takes the protagonist back to her Namaqualand hometown to confront old secrets. Read Chantelle Gray van Heerden’s review here.

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Shakespeare and the politics of identity in South Africa

Chris Thurman reviews Natasha Distiller’s Shakespeare and the Coconuts: On Post-Apartheid South African Culture, and concludes that this is a book that can and should inform all those who engage with Shakespeare’s work in South Africa.

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