Tag Archives: identity
On ebony, ivory and the lack of South African harmony
Can South Africans change their attitudes to each other, or is the historical damage too overwhelming? Thlabi, McKaiser, Engler and Ngcobo discuss this question at the FLF.
Imagine Africa Two
The second volume of ‘Imagine Africa’ takes ‘revolution’ as its theme. Amy Stimson reports on the conversation at the Dancing in Other Words Poetry Festival.
Mapping Mark Gevisser
‘Carto-lit’. If you don’t know what it is, read Wamuwi Mbao’s report of the launch of Mark Gevisser’s new book here.
The politics of translation and the translation of politics
All talk, no…talk? Bibi Burger interrogates the rhetoric of translation practice currently dominating the literary festival scene.
What does it mean to be African, to be queer, and to be an African creative writer? These are the questions addressed in ‘Queer Africa’, a new anthology of creative short fiction.