JC Blyk

Wat die hart van vol is

I am on a journey with a woman who is called One, Unique, Alone, and Traveler. She is a Water Bearer, and I am Fishes.

On her day of celebration I gave her a peacock, symbol of the holy household.

In the night of my new year she gave me in her airy ways the velvet sky to fecundate with water, the virgin moon, the eye of a silver fish with fins like a cock's comb.

In the depths of the night we plait water and air. What comes of it? We fold into each other in the eternal asanas of the great yoga of man and woman.

I wanted to write about my fascination with this union, my fears and my intentions, my insights and my shadows, but I was overcome with the poetry of one called Een, Enig, Alleen, Reisiger.

A path opens in the forest of the heart and my secret language of Love seeps into all the Mountains, Rivers, Suns and Expanses belonging to this heart.

My language is wonder and surprise, yet also knowing and attention. My language, in the hour before the birds, is silent desire. My language hides, hunts, reveals.

Although I do not know what follows the bend in this phrase, I write it down, and writing it down something in the forest of Love reaches out and invites me to a dance to a song of the nomad woman called Reisiger, Al Een, Enigste, Een.

I am on this journey and this is my song, so I dance along!


This entry was posted in JC Blyk


JC Blyk says:

die volgende woorde is in Afrikaans, Mari, so op ‘n manier 🙂

Mari says:

Dit beindruk en BLYK opwindend te wees, ek sien uit na die volgende woorde…